Friday 5 November 2010

Initial ideas for own trailer

In developing ideas for our own trailer we have had to consider ways in which we could use camera angles, editing, mise en scene, sound effects, music, special effects and dialogue.

Camera angles:
Camera angles are very important in filming our trailer because they are useful in denoting things about our movie. For example, we've decided to use a high angle shot on the victims to show their vulnerability in the situation. We plan to use this shot when our victim is crying in the corner conveying her helplessness and inferiority in the situation. We will also use this type of shot at several other points during our trailer. in contrast to this, we've decided to use a low angle tilt shot for the villain to show their superiority in the situation, conveying a sense of power. We've decided to use close-ups at several points in our trailer, mainly to show the actors expression but also to convey a sense of claustrophobia and disorientation. We plan to use tracking shots to speed up the pace of the trailer when our victim is running, as well as over the shoulder shots to show conversation between characters.

We will be using a variety of cuts during our trailer to denote different things. There will sometimes be fairly long sections of dialogue between cuts, for example when the dialogue is important and a vital part of the story is being told. This also gives our audience a chance to establish who characters are. We will also use a series of short cuts as the flashes of scenes get faster and shorter to quicken the pace of the trailer and heighten the suspense. The use of fading the screen to black as though it is being condensed will be used to convey an eerie feel, as well as contrasting between the previous several fast scenes. We are aiming to use this to denote that there is no way out for our victim.

Mise en scene:
We plan to use mise en scene to really denote the helplessness of the victims situation. Following the conventions of horror, we will have our villain dressed in dark clothes to denote the darkness associated with his character. We will film most of our trailer at night, again to give the eerie, dark feel to it (again conventional of any horror trailer). We plan to use iconography such as blood to conform to horror conventions aswell as the scarred face of the boy due to his severe burns.

Sound effects and music:
The music we will use will have an orchestral feel to it, however we felt it would be easier to create our own music using glockenspiels to be able to mould it exactly to our own preferences. The music will sound dark and ominous conventional of most horror films to denote the darkness of the situation. In terms of sound effects we plan to be fairly stereotypical to familiarise our audience somewhat with the fact that it is infact a trailer of the horror genre. We will use loud crashes, bangs and screams for this purpose.

As our trailer will be filmed at nightime, this will show the isolation of the victim. The location will also show this, as we will shoot in dark, secluded empty streets and other secluded places. The interior of the house of the victim will remain dark again to show the victims imprisonment. This can be seen as symbolic in showing the mental imprisonment of the victim as she is being imprisoned by the hallucinations of the past. We will also use a therapists office to show that our victim is mentally unstable.

We will have a limited amount of dialogue to let the action speak for itself. We won't use narration because we don't want to give too much away, however we will have the dialogue of the actors as they speak to show small snippets of the action that goes on in the movie and to give our audience a vague idea of the story.

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