Thursday 4 November 2010

Amityville horror trailer analysis

The trailer begins with the non digetic sound of gunshots. This establishes a threatening and dark atmosphere. As the screen is black at this moment, the audience are left in curiosity. As the editing becomes quick, there is a sound of razors on violins prompting a numerous amount of cuts. When the police officer begins to narrate the action, the non-diegetic sound of a low pitch instrument accompanies the diegetic sound casting and continuing the overall ominous tone. We are then presented with a home video of the family moving into their new house, and the sound of active film reels sets the time period. The video however is not happy because the sound of childrens laughter has been distorted giving it an eerie and disturbing feel. The final part of the trailer is characterized by a mix of digetic and non digetic sounds. For example the sound of screaming is mixed with the sound of amplifying violins.

The editing is mainly quick. There is alot of information being transmitted in the opening sequence such as close ups of headlines on newspapers. The use of quick cuts quickens the pace of the trailer, and is usually closely in time with flashes of lightning. By this the threat is intensified. Throughout the trailer the text fades onto the screen, almost like it is condensing. This is very effective in giving the trailer and dark and eerie tone.

Mise en scene:
The beginning of the trailer shows alot of black and white, giving the trailer an old and dark feel. In the faster part of the trailer there is a frequent use of pathetic fallacy. It appears that the weather is being used to reflect. In the home video the weather appears to be calm and sunny, representing equililbrium, followed by harsher weather representing the threatening situation. We also see a variety of disturbing images for example a dead man in a bath, which is used to keep the audience intrigued and on the edge of their seats. The recurring image of blood red is used throughout the trailer. Most importantly, at the end where we see two windows of the house dyed blood red.

The trailer is structured in three parts, the first part introduces the house, the second introduces the characters, and the third combines both creating a horrfic outcome.

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