Wednesday 1 December 2010

Final movie poster

This is the final copy of our movie poster for our movie "Memoria". From my previous analysis of movie posters i have learnt that simplicity is often best, as it leaves the audience wondering, and poses several unanswered questions for them that make them want to see the movie. For this reason, we decided to keep our poster fairly simple, however still conveying the conventions of the horror genre; darkness, the macabre, and isolation. In terms of mise en scene, we have simply used a picture of our protagonist staring back behind her towards the camera in a cemetery. The idea of cemetery denotes the theme of the macabre, and also sets the scene for our movie. It is also conventional of horror film, therefore doesn't give too much away about the plot of our film. The title is placed in the top corner. We used relatively large font so that it is easily recognizable, however does not dominate the whole poster. The font we used was appropriate in terms of relating to our movie. The swirly writing gives it a mysterious and surreal feel, and the red colour stands out as well as represents blood and death, this relates to our plot. The caption "your past will find you" is also very appropriate for our plot, we felt it to be a short but memorable caption that would sustain the interest of our audience. It would also help in terms of success for our movie, as it could be used as a type of synergy. It would be the official caption for the movie, printed on any other merchandise that would come from it. This would mean that our audience would associate it with our film, and therefore it would become more memorable and eventually more successful. For authenticity purposes, we downloaded a small font for the names of the actors positioned at the top of the poster. We also included a website adress and release date at the bottom.

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