Tuesday 19 October 2010

Summary of film

We are making a psychological horror in which the protagonist is haunted by the manifestations of a guilty conscience from her past, this film takes a relative amount of thinking but the storyline is ultimatley easy to follow.
Our USP (Unique selling point): Because the character of the young introvert boy is tripped over by another boy in his class, the audience are led to believe that he would be the one being haunted. However, it is in fact the girl who spilt the beaker of acid. This will suprise the audience as she is in fact not guilty in any way as what she did was an accident. Also, our story does not really conform to Todorov's equilibrium theory. At the end when the protagonist and her friend share an embrace, the audience believe that equilibrium is restored. However, the ghost then appears once again, this also makes room for a sequel.

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